It's time to visit the friends and the family. I am embarrassed to admit in writing how long it's been since I have traveled north on I-35 to see my people, so I won't mention it. Just trust me when I say that it's been too long and this is a much overdue adventure. And what an adventure it will be.
My husband Jay and I will load ourselves and our two miniature dachshunds up in our car. One of the two (impossible to say which one) has a tendency to get a little car sick but I will be prepared this time. We discovered her aversion to long journeys on our way through West Texas last December and our situation was so dire that I ran into an Allsup's Gas Station to buy paper towels and 409. For those of you who are fortunate enough to not be familiar with Allsup's, essentially I took one for the team. Big time. I sacrificed my hair, clothing and skin knowing that I would exit Allsup's smelling like a human fried burrito. Nasty.
I have always enjoyed the road trip, and I am looking forward to this one as well. I have 1,000,684 memories of taking family vacations in the car. As the older sister, I always had dibs on setting the ground rules. Territory was always the top priority. "This is the line," I would say to my sister as my index finger ran down the middle of the back seat. "You stay on your side, and I'll stay on my side, and we should get along just fine." Yeah right. Immediately treaties and agreements were violated and all hell broke loose. My mom pretended to sleep as we argued and my dad turned up the volume on the stereo and sang along to his favorite Bruce Springsteen song of the moment hoping we would work it out on our own.
Road trips are different now. Jay and I have started our own traditions to pass the time during our 10-hour trek to Lincoln. We often play the popular "how many meth addicts did you see at that gas station?". I always win if I am first in the QuikTrip in Wichita. Dog vomit and Meth can see why I am looking forward to the fresh air.